Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yes, The Real Housewives of Miami Reunion Show Was A Mess
Tuesday night was the live reunion of the "The Real Housewives of Miami" ... and we watched it so that you don't have to subject yourself to it. You're welcome.

In short, the experiment failed. The live reunion, which actually occurred on Andy Cohen's "Watch What Happens Live" was uncomfortable and... well, crazy. The reunions for the other "Real Housewives" franchises tend to be lavish, carefully edited affairs that last for several hours so that we only have to watch the good stuff.

After a brief, six-episode season, it's not much of a surprise that Bravo decided to skimp on the Miami reunion. So here are the basic details:

Lea showed up looking freshly nipped and tucked. Larsa stressed that she's a very happy person who just wants everyone to be happy. Adriana's temper raged as she accused Christy of keeping her husband's last name for the connections associated with it. Unfortunately, without built in breaks to ease the tension, the general viewing experience was incredibly awkward.
I finally caught up and saw a repeat of the RHMIA reunion show the other day and totally agree that the idea of doing a live reunion show was just ass-backwards. First, longtime 'Housewife' viewers know full well how long these reunion take in real time (8 to 12 hours if I recall correctly, any wonder the need for 2-parters), so the idea that you can fit in a proper reunion show within an hour was just ridiculous. Second, why did RHMIA only get 6 shows in the first place? Again, dumb. Six shows hardly gave us a chance to get to know these women, much less let them have more to talk about than Christy not paying for Lea's party or the quips that come Marysol's mom Elsa. Third, with only an hour to do a reunion show, we clearly missed out on a lot including the women arguing during commercial breaks, interrupting and talking over each other, etc. It was a huge mess to watch something and feel like you're only getting a third of what really went down. Lastly, as I've mentioned before, Andy Cohen's ego seems to be getting bigger and bigger with the success of the 'Housewives' franchise and for him to have the RHOM reunion on his "Watch What Happens Live" show just lends credence to the idea that Cohen wants to be as big (or if not bigger) than the 'Housewives' women. Somehow I get the feeling too that with almost all the women throwing darts at Cohen for this, that and the other plus the fact that with only 6 episodes viewers didn't get a chance to know them fully (and they're right, we didn't), there probably won't be a second season of RHMIA and that'd be a shame (by the way, judging from this, this, and this, I'm not the only complaining about what an utter fail this reunion show was).

1 comment:

  1. I thought Miami was boring! It's possible with more episodes would come more drama.
