Sunday, December 4, 2011

Phaedra Parks Brings Nasty Stripper To Kandi's 35th Birthday Party And People Get Pissed

RELATED: Phaedra Parks supports Redickulous' act


  1. Nene is such a hypocrite. She was a stripper. I don't understand her reaction, especially seeing the After Show with Andy Cohen. I have to admit though, that was gross.

  2. Maybe in that setting it felt uncomfortable to her. I would like to know where Phaedra got her degree from? Is she really that stupid?

  3. That was disgusting and exactly the reason I don't watch the Atlanta "ladies" anymore. Utter trash.

  4. I can see wanting to get your girlfriend a stripper for her party, but maybe Phaedra should've checked to see who would be in attendance. While others weren't bothered I have to agree with Kandi's mom...Phaedra WOULD NOT have unveiled the stripper if her mother had been in attendance.

    Better still Phaedra could've warned the guests that were there of what was coming up...this would've avoided alot of unnecessary drama.

    As for Lennethia...chile were a stripper so you've seen it all. All that EXTRANESS was unnecessary. #forreal

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    While clubs can generate revenue through means such as cover charges and drink fees, dancers make most of their profit from giving lap dances or VIP dances where regulations allow. Otherwise customer tips to dancers from a stage set are their primary form of payment per shift. The dancer qualifies a customer by sizing up his appearance and personal characteristics. Once the dancer identifies her mark, she approaches and attempts to create a false social relationship with her customer using tactical interactions and manipulations toward a result of monetary gain. Customers can make the first move and engage the dancer directly, but more experienced dancers will have seen most of their tactics already. Published research indicates that dancers generally avoid interaction with female patrons by passing them over or possibly confiding in them rather than recognizing them as viable lap dance customers. Strippers appeal to masculine desires, and need to feel comfortable they can adapt to fit the needs of female patron to view them as a customer by default. Adapting the experience to the customer is an integral part of exotic dancing.
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