Sunday, January 2, 2011

Camille Grammer Beats Out Danielle Staub As "Most Hated" Housewife
Camille Grammer of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" now has a rather dubious honor attached to her name -- being "hated" more by some show viewers than any other housewife on Bravo's multiple series. In a new poll conducted by Life & Style Magazine, the soon-to-be ex of Kelsey Grammer picked up a whopping 52% of the vote, beating out the likes of Danielle Staub (who is no longer a part of the "New Jersey" show) and Michaele Salahi (who a number of "DC" housewives claim that want removed from the show if they are to return.

The report also comes with a bit of a claim as to why Camille is so "hated" -- and it has something to do with Kelsey:

"Camille stopped having sex with Kelsey about a year before they broke up ... [Kelsey later] pleaded with photographers not to take his picture with his fiancée because his 'soon-to-be ex-wife' would see it and go ballistic. Kelsey claims she shows pictures of the couple to the kids and blames Daddy for the mess."
Of course, this poll is dubious in that Camille's story is still being played out on TV screens as the "Beverly Hills" season progresses so she's in viewers heads, while Danielle has not only faded from the scene, but she isn't even a 'Real Housewife' anymore.

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