Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Danielle Staub: I'm a Bullying Victim, Too!

Completely delusional, this prostitution whore is:
Some of you know Danielle Staub best as "prostituion whore" or "coke whore." These were just some of the clever nicknames bestowed upon the reality star during her time on The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Now, Danielle has come forward to discuss how her former Jersey co-stars made her feel and how she dealt with their own brand of bullying.

But she doesn't attach all the blame to her castmates. When asked about the bullying she endured on the show, she was more apt to point the finger at the network, Bravo. She explains:
“The way they treated me was bullying and it was hate. I have to say shame on you. Shame on you for not dropping the cameras when I was being bullied. I was hiding from [my castmates], and then I’m physically attacked. Being attacked and having hate done unto you is a crime, and those who do that should be prosecuted. So I feel for each person being bullied. Someone could have helped me. It was horrifying. There wasn’t a camera guy, or a producer or someone to say, ‘I can’t watch what they’re doing to her.’…It was one thing if it was Season One, but to glorify these people chasing me and meaning me nothing more than harm, well, it doesn’t speak highly of the show. I’m saying everyone collectively could have done something. I’m still a mother, a person, a human being.”
Eh, we have to take this with a grain of salt. If you've watched the show, you know she's exaggerating, but not by much. However, she also was one to call names or allow members of her posse to use demeaning language. She isn't completely a victim here.

1 comment:

  1. This creature AKA "garbage" is totally INSANE !
