Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lisa Hochstein, Adriana De Moura, Marysol Patton and Alexia Echevarria Speak On the Slap Heard Around the World

Joanna deserved to get slapped. Everyone can see how she kept putting her hands in Adriana's face and her own boyfriend walked out on her because she was acting crazy. Then to follow Adriana out after she clearly told her to leave her alone and "butt off" the conversation...dumb wench had it coming:
On the last episode of the Real Housewives of Miami, Adriana De Moura and Joanna Krupa had a physical altercation at Lisa Hochstein's lavish charity party-turned-pit of reality television drama.

De Moura laid a slap on Krupa (watch the incident below), but which woman threw the first blow? The cast gives their take on what really happened:

Most people who are invited guests at my home understand the correct way to conduct themselves and are simply there to have a good time, not to stir the pot or make it about them.

So many failed to exercise restraint at my party in one way or another. Shame on all involved! Looking back I should have tossed them all out! They made it about them and not my event.

I thought the best way to get past this was to invite the girls into the kitchen away from the madness to have a drink together. Apparently this was not a wise decision. Adriana and Joanna seemed to have disregarded my wishes completely. Adriana decided that she would confront Karent about the Botox for brains news article and Joanna decided to come to Karent’s rescue. Although this conversation should have been had at another time, it should have been between Karent and Adriana. Things were said that clearly touched nerves and escalated this argument quickly. Joanna should not have chased Adriana as she tried to walk away. And Adriana should have used more self-control and not smacked her. There is never an excuse for physical violence. I really did not see who assaulted whom first. It is possible that Joanna grabbed Adriana from behind. Either way, it was wrong and I was unhappy with both of them. Confrontations mixed with alcohol make for very bad hangover.

Being physically attacked by Joanna was one of the most traumatic moments of my life. I had no choice but to act instinctively in self-defense, since I was under physical attack
First she insulted me, making fun of what I was wearing and said I was "wearing a turd on my head." Like that wasn't enough, she even dissed Elsa, who wasn't even there, by saying: Elsa is a f------ devil, bitch, burn in hell!" I was appalled to see how low she could go, even attacking an older lady, who wasn't even present. At her age she deserves some respect!

Later she saw the opportunity to gang up on me while I was trying to clear the air with Karent in private. I found myself being cornered by her and her fiancé, who later tried to stop her from going crazy, but she pushed herself past him and went on to curse me out, putting her finger all over my face, told my I was a "nobody," and called me a f------ whore! After all these insults and confrontation, I still manage to disengage and was trying to leave the party when she chased me down the hallway, shouting more insults and trying to stop me. I continue to walk away from her, but when I felt the PAIN of her fingernails in my flesh, my instincts kicked in and I reacted in self-defense

The whole altercation was very taxing on me emotionally, and I cried a lot when I got home. Never before in my life had I gotten physical with anyone. I had deep scratches in my arms and bruises that lasted for weeks -- that has healed, but the thought of that fight still brings me to a very painful place every time I have to speak about it.

Marysol Patton
Then there is the fight, which was ONE of the most frightening things I have ever seen in my life; everyone was really shaken up. It was a dreadful situation for everyone (those directly involved and the onlookers). I hope I never have to witness anything like that again. But there is a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel and that is that Lisa raised money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a cause that is very close to my heart.

Alexia Echevarria
I refuse to continue talking about this crazy party. You the viewer I feel have seen enough to make up your mind about this whole mess and about the characters involved. I feel the point has been made and furthermore actions speak louder than words (and there was definitely lots of action)! You be the judge of it. Who are the bullies now? Who are the mean girls? And why would Joanna even be calling Adriana the devil, perhaps she was referring to someone else. 
RELATED: How 'Real Housewives of Miami' Became the Best of the Franchise

Camille Grammer Dishes on Boyfriend Dimitri: How She Tricked Him Into Appearing on Camera
Although Camille Grammer is now a recurring Housewife on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, we’ll still excited to see the blond beauty pop up in Season 3. When Wetpaint Entertainment spoke with the reality star at the premiere party on October 20, she told us about tricking her boyfriend, Dimitri Charalambopoulos, to appear on camera; her famous ex; and missing her co-stars.

Wetpaint Entertainment: Even though you make guest appearances on the show this season, do you miss being a bigger part of the show?
Camille Grammer: Of course I miss Housewives. When the girls are getting along, there’s nothing like it. We have a great time together, and those are the moments I miss. I love that.

You recently put your house on the market, have you found anywhere new to live?
I think it’s going to be a while because the market has to turn a bit. I’m happy living in my house for as long as I can. But I’ve been looking for the last two years online … for a new house and a fresh start. But I’m very, very comfortable in my home; I love it. It is my dream house, so it will be very sad when I have to leave it.

How are Mason and Jude?
Mason and Jude are great! They’re both little athletes! I’m so impressed. My son is playing guitar and my daughter is playing soccer; it’s all about soccer.

How do you stay positive and take the high road when your ex Kelsey Grammer makes a spectacle of your divorce on TV and in the press?
Well, because I don’t believe it’s true. I don’t know why he’s saying the things he’s saying, I’m not him. But I believe that he loved me very much and of course it’s hurtful when he says such things like when he did his interview on Oprah.

I was in that marriage for 13 years, I know what happened and I know there was a lot of love and we shared some great, happy moments together. We did share a life together; we had great times. There were bad times too, but we did have some really great times.

How about Dimitri? We’ll be seeing him on Season 3, right?
Yeah he shows up, he makes his appearance. He was nervous.

Did you give him any advice?I kind of had to almost trick him into it. I was like, ‘So we’re going to go look for condos with Mauricio [Umansky].’ He was like, ‘Are the cameras going to be there?’ And I was like, ‘Oh you won’t even notice them!’

I’m guessing he noticed them?
He did, he was like, ‘Don’t ever do that to me again!’ No, he was fine after a while. Some people get stage fright and he’s one of those.

Would you say you’re in a serious relationship?
Well, we’re together! It’s been a year and three months, and we’re happy. I’m not seeing anybody else, he’s not seeing anybody else, and we’re just in a good place. He lives in Texas, he comes out and visits me every other week and it actually works out perfect. It’s a perfect set up.
RELATED: Who Is Dimitri Charalambopoulos, Camille Grammer’s Boyfriend?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Teresa Giudice Says Brother Joe Gorga No Longer Talks To His Nieces
The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 4 Reunion ended badly, so it should come as no surprise relationships between various cast members are strained to say the least.

When Teresa Giudice spoke to All About the Real Housewives earlier this month, she revealed that she hasn’t spoken to any of her co-stars since the reunion was filmed at the end of summer. While we totally expected that, we were saddened to learn that Joe Gorga no longer speaks to Teresa’s daughters.

This season, we saw how much Joe treasured his relationship with Tre’s eldest daughter (and his goddaughter) Gia, but when Teresa was asked if Joe currently talks to her girls, she replied, “No he does not.”

To be fair, we doubt Teresa is communicating with her niece or nephews either.
RELATED:  A Producer For The Real Housewives of New Jersey Says Teresa Giudice Was “Nervous” During the Season Finale (VIDEO)

Taylor Armstrong Has A New Boyfriend, Says She's "Met the Love of My Life"
This Housewife has apparently found love once again.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong revealed during a radio interview today with Australia's The Kyle and Jackie O Show that she has "met the love of my life." 

After letting the show hosts that she was having a fabulous time vacationing in Mexico, and how the weather was just like Australia, Armstrong went into how well her love life is doing.

"I'm with my gay BFFs. They are two gay guys who are so sexy and hot and it's just so amazing to be with my gay best friends," she shared, and added, "I have met the love of my life. He's amazing, he's perfect, he's everything I've ever wanted in my life. He's diving in the pool right now, and he's the most beautiful man I've ever met in my life."

So who is this mystery man? Well, Taylor wouldn't give his name and her rep has not yet responded to a request for comment, but she was spotted poolside in Puerto Vallarta liplocking with lawyer John Bluher, who she's been seen with before

Meanwhile, Armstrong also dished on the new season of Bravo's hit reality show, which premieres Nov. 5, saying, "We are out of control, as usual, and we are obviously very dramatic and very in love with one another. These women are my best friends and my worst enemies."
RELATED:  Taylor Armstrong Slurs Her Way Through Radio Interview, Says She's Found The Love Of Her Life

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kandi Burruss Disputes Lawrence's Unpaid Talk, Song Fail
"Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Kandi disputes claims that she failed to pay hairstylist and fellow reality television star Lawrence, also known as Miss Lawrence, royalties.

Taking issue with his commentary Sunday, during a televised special, Kandi says the song they recorded failed to sell enough to warrant a payout following recording related fees.

"Closet Freak didn't sell hardly any copies," Kandi said of the song Monday. "There was nothing left after paying the producer & recouping what I paid 4 studio time & mix fees."

As previously reported, Lawrence claimed that he had not seen any form of payment from Kandi, despite drawing up a profit share agreement.

"It's not an issue. I ain't seen no money. Ooh Ooh Ooh. No, don't get quiet honey," Lawrence told Derek J when asked what happened to his music career. "We had a split in place.... (but) Ain't no split came about."

Lawrence also addressed his relationship with ousted star Sheree Whitfield, claiming he will always be her friend.

In related news, the fifth season of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" (RHOA) kicks off Sunday, November 4 at 9 p.m. on Bravo.
RELATED:  Bravo to Air The Real Housewives of Atlanta Hair Stylists Tell All This Sunday! (VIDEO)

Adriana De Moura Talks Huge Catfight With Joanna Krupa
Things are heating up on Bravo’s Real Housewives of Miami – and no, it has nothing to do with Elsa Patton’s hot flashes.

This week, the show’s first official catfight of the season will play out in typical Housewives fashion: When supermodel Joanna Krupa tries to warn Karent Sierra of her BFF’s Adriana de Moura’s evil ways, an argument between Krupa and de Moura escalates into hair-pulling fight.

“It’s been one of the darkest moments in my life. I never thought I could get physical with anybody  – I never have in the past,” de Moura told Celebuzz during our exclusive sit-down with the reality star.

“I have a big mouth and I can speak up and get very outspoken, but I have never touched anybody in my whole life… It took a lot to escalate me to that point.”

Of course, it doesn’t help that de Moura openly flirted with Krupa’s fiance, Romain Zago. Or, at least that’s how Zago described it. 

“That flirting with Romain was completely a joke,” she said. ”I was having fun with everybody in the club that night, and when Joanna started flipping out and cussing out the DJ, I went downstairs, and Romain was there… So I sat next to him and we started chatting.”

Then, harmless chatting soon turned into a bit of flirting on de Moura’s part. However, the Brazilian-born reality star denied hitting on Romain. “Brazilians, they flirt as a way of communicating,” she said. “It was nothing.”

According to de Moura, it was Krupa who took things too far.

“Joanna decided to throw me under the bus for that. In fact, the next day, we were both joking about it. But I guess to take the heat off her bad behavior — for destroying her partner’s big night — she decided to throw me under the bus and say that I was flirting with her man.”

Krupa previously told Celebuzz that she was “not proud” of her actions that night.  “Adriana and I had a conflict relating to another girl on the show,” she said. “I was trying to be a friend and defend her, but right away, Adriana got in my face, and maybe I said a few things that p—ed her off.”
RELATED: ‘Real Housewives Of Miami’ Recap: Joanna Krupa and Adriana Moura’s Friendship Comes To A Violent End

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gretchen Rossi Talks Four Housewives She’d Have at a Dinner Party, Updates Slade's Son Condition
Anyone who knows me knows I love myself some Real Housewives!

Yes, I’m “that” girl…the one that watches every installment. And, of course, I have my favorite leading ladies!

In the OC, it’s the always-stylish and beautiful Gretchen Rossi, outspoken girlfriend of Slade Smiley, and creator of her own makeup and handbag line, Gretchen Christine.

Read on to find out what’s in her handbag, the beauty tip she swears by, and what she really thinks of Bravo’s Andy Cohen! It's a GalTime Quick Quiz!

Three things you always carry in your handbag: My phone, my Gretchen Christine make-up, and my wallet

Favorite place(s) to score a fashion bargain: Forever 21 or H&M

The one accessory you can’t live without: My Gretchen Christine purses, of course! 

Beauty tip you swear by: Sleep and happiness! 

Favorite item from your Gretchen Christine collection:  Currently, I’m obsessed with my new Pink Satchel! But I just love all the bags I have designed! 

Describe Andy Cohen…in three words or less. Flamboyant, witty, and adorable 

Secret from behind the scenes of the Real Housewives of Orange County: I am really a billionaire! Ha ha! NO, just kidding. The secret that didn’t get discussed on this past season was that I actually forewarned Alexis on the plane ride over about the intervention that was going to happen in Costa Rica. Since it wasn’t on camera, they didn’t show me confronting her about that. 

Four housewives you’d like to have at a dinner party (from any installment!): Wow! That is actually hard because I like so many of the housewives. However, I would say Bethenny Frankel (to discuss business), NeNe Leakes (to just have some fun and great laughs), Kyle Richards (to keep it real),  and Kathy, Jacqueline or Melissa from New Jersey (because they are all just so sweet and so supportive with everything I do). 

Ideal date night with Slade (or, ideal girls' night out with Tamra): Ideal date night with Slade is just cooking on the grill at home, having wine, lighting a fire, catching up on our lives, and then curling up on the couch to watch a movie!
Ideal night with Tamra...holy crap, you never know where that one will go!  I have a feeling we could watch paint dry and it would be fun! LOL.
Something our readers would be surprised to know about you: That I was a successful real estate agent before I was on the show, and was in the top 7% of Coldwell Banker internationally with my sales. I have always been a successful business woman, but when I first came on the show they wanted to portray me as a gold digger who was only with Jeff for money and not love. I continue to pursue my dreams of being a successful woman entrepreneur and my own business owner!
RELATED: Gretchen Rossi Gives Update on Slade Smiley’s Son Grayson Post-Surgery

Adriana De Moura Barred From Kyle Richards Party, Didn't Want Her To Steal The Spotlight
Apparently the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills think they’re better than the Real Housewives of Miami, even when they’re on their own stomping grounds!

Kyle Richards was in Boca Raton, Fl. on Thursday night to attend the Shop All Things Pink event at Alene Too Regency Court and exclusively learned when her people heard that Miami Housewife Adriana De Moura wanted to stop by they refused to let her in!

“One of Kyle’s handlers had approved Adriana stopping by the event to say hello to Kyle but right before she was going to show up another person in Kyle’s camp said no way!” a source exclusively told
“Adriana drove through a hellish rainstorm and was five minutes away when the publicist freaked out and was yelling that she did not want any other Housewives at the event because it was all about Kyle.”

Bravo’s brunette Miami babe ended up not showing up at the event, much to the relief of Kyle’s handlers, who were afraid she was going to take the spotlight away from her california counterpart.

Kyle did't even know about Adriana's request to attend the event and the source says she will be mortified to find out her fellow reality star was 86'd.

“There is no way Kyle would have barred Adriana if she had known about this,” the source says. “She isn’t petty like that and would have loved the support for the breast cancer awareness event.

"Kyle is very dedicated to the charity and works hard to garner them as much support and publicity as possible. Plus she is just not the diva type, at all. Seems she has a rather overly zealous person on her team, making decisions for her!"
RELATED: Ah, The Drama! Beverly Hills Housewives & Husbands Battle It Out In New Season Sneak Peek

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kenya Moore Says She'll Cause Most of the Drama on Real Housewives of Atlanta
She's ready for her close-up!

Real Housewives of Atlanta newbie Kenya Moore is wasting no time getting in on the action, engaging in a heated conflict with veteran Cynthia Bailey on the season 5 premiere, airing Nov. 4.

"I immediately bump heads with one of the other Housewives," Moore told PEOPLE at the Los Angeles premiere of Flight. "[Cynthia] was being disrespectful and overstepping her boundaries, so I had to let her know that that wasn't acceptable to me. It resulted in security being called."

Fans will have to see for themselves whose side they're on, but the former Miss USA says there's more where that came from in store for the new season.

"Trust me, it is full of drama," she says. "I am in the middle of most of it, and probably cause most of it. I went through a lot of ups and downs with the women on the show."

Moore, 41, decided to join the cast after moving from Hollywood back to Atlanta, (where her family comes from) to pursue a relationship. 

"I've been successful in my career as a producer and actor, but [I have] no husband and no children," she said. "I took a leap of faith and moved to be closer to the guy that I was seeing. The show came about, and I thought it would be an amazing opportunity for me to step outside of my comfort zone and take advantage of all the opportunities that a show like that presents."

As the season premiere nears, Moore is hopeful that her fans will stick with her for this new chapter in her public life.

"My fans have been kind, but this is a whole new world," she said. "So far, people have been saying that I'm their favorite, and they haven't seen one episode!"
RELATED:  Kenya Moore Opens Up About Her Past Abusive Relationship and the Boyfriend She Claims Stabbed Her

Lisa Vanderpump Dishes on Her Friendship With Adrienne Maloof
The Real Housewives of Beverly HillsLisa Vanderpump is one of our favorites, and we spoke to her at the Season 3 premiere party last Sunday. The pretty Brit told Wetpaint Entertainment about her on-again, off-again friendship with castmate Adrienne Maloof; being star struck at Villa Blanca; and finding the right Halloween costume for Giggy! Can RHoBH Season 3 start already?

Wetpaint Entertainment: Have any of the recent circumstances surrounding Adrienne’s divorce changed the status of your friendship?
Lisa Vanderpump: She kept accusing me of things and that was in the reunion, but you’ve got to remember we’ve been together six months since this happened so there’s probably going to be 20-something episodes and six months of filming, so I don’t want to pre-empt it.

Have you ever been star struck by anyone that has come into Villa Blanca?
Oh yeah; one night the paparazzi were asking me for my picture and Sidney Poitier is there and I’m thinking, ‘Are you kidding me? That’s Sidney Poitier!’ Honey Boo Boo was there this week having lunch with Giggy.

What is Giggy going to dress up as for Halloween?
I don’t know! He’s got so many outfits because Andy [Cohen] has bought him hot dogs, bumble bees...I’m not sure; I don’t know. 
RELATED:  Real Housewives’ Lisa Vanderpump Wants Daughter Pandora to Have Babies, by “Immaculate Conception” if Necessary

Lisa Hochstein Happy Fans Know She's More Than Her Husband's “Best Creation”
A few weeks ago Real Housewife of Miami Lisa Hochstein's people emailed the BuzzFeed Shift editors to see if we wanted to interview her. "This 29-year-old beauty made three appearances in Playboy magazine and can often be found shopping, lounging, and hanging out with her maid and friend, Daysy," read the email. With the season shaping up to be one of the most entertaining of the Real Housewives franchise, I couldn't resist accepting the offer. Here is my conversation with the fabulous Hochstein.

So, Florida!
I'm praying because we have a Halloween party on Saturday and we have a lot of friends flying in on Saturday.

Oh right. Sandy — good luck with that, yikes. What were you planning to dress up as?
I am going to be She-Ra, Princess of Power. I have an obsession with superheros and also unicorns. She-Ra Princess of Power is a cartoon I used to watch when I was younger and she rides around on a Pegasus. Unfortunately my husband doesn't want to be He-Man [She-Ra's twin] because he doesn't feel like he's in He-Man shape. But I'm having one of my girlfriends dress up as a unicorn. She's my Pegasus — I'm going to ride her around.

Do you always have a huge party?

Oh my God Halloween is my favorite time of year, my favorite holiday — we love it so much. We do our annual Halloween party that people from all over the world hear about. I think it's better than the Playboy Mansion parties.

Why is it better than Playboy parties?
Because it's our party. And everyone has said our parties are some of the best, sexiest, most fun parties they've ever been to. Miami is a sexy fun city and we really take Halloween more seriously than any other city.

What's it like being in the battleground state of Florida this close to the election? Can you feel the pressure building?
Oh of course. We're watching the debates in our movie theater with my mother and father. I can't even vote because I'm Canadian so I have another year before I get my citizenship and I can contribute my vote. 

And how do you feel about being on the show now that it's airing and you can see what all your castmates said about you when you weren't there?
I really feel that in the beginning people maybe misunderstood me, maybe misconstrued my opening line — "I'm my husbands best creation" — and maybe wanted to not love me. But I've had such amazing fans in Twitter and Facebook messages saying, "I wanted to dislike Lisa but I just love her now." So I'm loving that people are really seeing my true personality. And I try to stay above the fray unless someone's directly attacking me, but I'm loving all of it. 

Part of your storyline on the show is your struggle to get pregnant. Is it hard to talk about that so publicly?
There's a lot of women my age [29] and even younger struggling with the same issues. It's not something that people open up about because they think it's embarrassing. I think it really helped me and other women because they know that they're not alone. If anything, you show these women that there are options, that there are doctors, specialists — you can do acupuncture. There are endless options to try to make it happen.

The show is very much about your lavish lifestyle. Do you feel awkward about that in a time when so many Americans are struggling and unemployed?
We're not trying to show off or anything like that. We're simply living our lives and sharing it with the world. I'm just being me and doing my part giving back doing my charities [including the Komen Foundation and Humane Society]. 

I wasn't always so blessed — I definitely had struggles of my own, trying to become an American, trying to get my papers, so I definitely know how it feels to struggle and make something of myself. I feel like good things happen to good people and I feel like my life has been very blessed, and I feel like it's a result of who I am as a person.

How do you plan to use the show as a platform for other business opportunities?
I actually have my website launching, and it's almost like an online magazine. I'm going to be blogging and answering questions — I've been getting so many questions about my skincare regimen and fitness regimen. I'm hoping this will create a buzz and help me launch my nutritional supplement line and my skincare line, but Rome wasn't built overnight so one step at a time. 
RELATED:  The Real Housewives of Miami, Episode Seven: Blowjobs, Blowouts, and a Big Hairy Bush

Friday, October 26, 2012

Jill Zarin Pisses Off Andy Cohen, Secretly Recorded Her WWHL Appearance
Jill Zarin made no secret about the fact that she was initially “nervous” over the editing of her one-on-one interview with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live about why she was fired from the Real Housewives of New York. She even expressed fears she’d been tricked into taping it early by Bravo.

According to a new report from the New York Post, her team was so concerned about the WWHL segment that someone secretly taped the full interview just in case.

Jill herself has now admitted that someone from her camp recorded the full chat in secret.  “Someone in my party did use an iPhone, because they love me and wanted to protect me,” she said, “to make sure I remembered what I said, and that what I said was accurately edited. It was for my own protection.” … Or ammunition?

After it was all said and done, Jill seemed pleased with the results and what aired, and according to her the segment’s strong ratings have left her phone positively ringing off the hook with potential new television offers. Even Bravo has even been rumored to want her back.

This little incident, though, may put a damper on things. While the network itself had no comment about the incident, a source did say, “Secretly taping an interview is no way for Jill to get herself back on the network . . . or any network, for that matter.”  Oy vey.

For what it’s worth both Andy and Jill have made light of the situation. Andy coolly quipped on Twitter, “Beware former Housewives with tape recorders!!” and Jill answered back, “This is why we all love you!!!” She added, “No war.. Peace and love. It was great interview with 1.3 million viewers. I think Andy is cute and funny and like big brother.”

Andy doesn’t appear to be too happy about it. After his tape recorder tweet, Andy tweeted at RHONJ star Caroline Manzo that he’s “as mad as Teresa at your last reunion” about the Jill incident. 
RELATED:  Jill Zarin: The Phones "Haven't Stopped Ringing" With TV Offers After WWHL Appearance

NeNe Leakes: Will She or Won't She Reunite With Her Ex-Husband Gregg?
NeNe Leakes is making it in Hollywood. But is she bringing her ex-husband, Gregg Leakes, along for the ride?

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star, 44, and her husband divorced last year after season 4 finished shooting. But Gregg is back on the scene in season 5, premiering Nov. 4 on Bravo.

Furthermore, he wants to join NeNe as she heads to Los Angeles to film her new role on the NBC sitcom The New Normal.

"Of course Gregg wants me back. I'm doing a lot of things," Leakes says in an exclusive clip from the new season. "We always had a great relationship, and it was very difficult during the time that we weren't together. So, I'm open to it. But Gregg's got to prove himself." 

From Gregg's perspective, there's just too much history between them. "Fifteen years. We can't just toss it. We still care for each other, right?" he says.

They do, NeNe agrees, but adds: "I feel like I have taken a lot of blame for stuff, and that's not fair."

Whatever their relationship drama, NeNe is over the moon about her new career path. "I think it's exciting," she says of the sitcom gig. "I'm going to feel like I'm an actress. I really did it." 
RELATED: ‘Real Housewives’ star Kyle Richards finds NeNe Leakes inspiring

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Camille Grammer: Kelsey Has Really Hurt My Feelings, He's On Negativity Tour 2012
Camille Grammer has moved on with her life following her split from ex-husband Kelsey Grammer but it appears that the former Frazier star still holds ill feelings against her which The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star says has been very hurtful.

In an exclusive interview with, the mother-of-two says that she is still bemused why her husband of 13 years cannot move forward and be positive for the sake of their children.

"Of course it hurts," she told us. "He went on this negativity tour 2012 recently, over the last few months, and it hurts you know."

"I thought.. you know all marriages have their ups and downs and I loved my ex very much and I thought we were in a good marriage. I mean, who knew?

"So when he went on Oprah and said that it was over from… as soon as it started.. that hurt a lot because I believe in my heart that he loved me very much."

When asked why she feels Kelsey has not been able to move on despite marrying new wife Kayte Walsh and welcoming baby Faith in July.

"I don’t know. Maybe there’s unresolved angst and he needs to work it out," Camille surmised.

Although the former couple no longer have much of a relationship as they co-parent Mason, 11, and Jude, 8, Camille wants her kids to have a bond with their new sister.

"Absolutely. My daughter and my son were excited to know that Kayte was having a baby," Camille shared. "When the baby came Kelsey text somebody to ask me if the kids could go and meet Faith and I said absolutely. It is what it is. My kids are very sweet. They're good kids."

Meanwhile, Camille is head over heels for her Greek hunk Dimitri Charalambopoulos who she says has not only captured her body but her soul too - but that doesn't mean she's heading down the aisle anytime soon.

"He’s totally hot and his body rocks but his soul is great. He’s just a sweet person. He is a good guy and a great companion," Camille gushed.

"But am I ready to get married? Because everyone keeps asking are you going to get married again? Not yet! I was married for 13 years – I did it! And right now I’m having such a good time and enjoying my life and enjoying my children, I don’t want to mess anything up. I don’t want to jinx it. But in the future yes – I would love to get remarried. I’m taking my time."

Camille is no longer a main Housewife but will be making cameos, or Camilleos as she calls them, during this upcoming season and still makes her mark.

"I’m glad to not be in the center of the drama but there are some moments when I’m feisty this year," she said. "I didn’t want to disappear but I really enjoyed being with the girls. When we are getting along it is so much fun. Kyle and I and Adrienne are all laughing and it’s fantastic. Girl bonding moments."

But one person she didn't bond with this season is castmate Brandi Glanville who told recently that she did not miss not having Camille around as much and later tweeted about it too.
RELATED:  Are Brandi Glanville and Camille Grammer Still Friends After Season 3 of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

Porsha Stewart Says She Sings Like Beyonce, 'Enjoyed' Working on 'RHOA'
Porsha Stewart is prepared for all the drama and criticism that comes along with being on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta."

Though the new season of "RHOA" has yet to start, Bravo's newest housewife said she's been having a ball working on the show so far.  She credits that largely to being her authentic self—whether or not cameras are rolling—and not making any excuses for her behavior. 

"It was a good experience. I really enjoyed myself," Porsha told a Birmingham radio station recently. "The main thing I told myself was, 'You know what? Just be real. Just be you and if you just commit to who you are and own every action—every up and down of relationships with friends—you'll be alright.'"

Porsha, who is married to retired NFL baller Kordell Stewart, said that although she is a little different from her castmates, she knows how to handle the show's shenanigans. "There are certain situations I put myself in, and I know exactly how to act," she said.

From the supertrailer for season 5 of "RHOA," it certainly looks like Porsha knows how to take care of herself in the face of confrontation. Not unlike many of the other housewives, she was a relative unknown before being linked to the show. When Bravo approached her, one of her immediate concerns was how it would affect her new family. 

"I was shocked and I thought, 'How is this going to be for him to open up our doors?" Porsha shared, referring to her husband. "Once I told him what my mission was and what I wanted to get out of the show—which was basically, I'm a newlywed. Marriage is not easy by far. I'm also a new mother, I have a 9-year-old. And I'm trying to work all of it out, and I'm trying to come out on top."

Luckily it didn't take much convincing on her part. After she got her point across, Porsha said her hubby was onboard. "He was like, 'You know what, Porsha? Let's do it,'" she recalled. 

Speaking of her husband Kordell, there have been rumors that he is gay. Porsha dismissed the gossip. 

"In life, you'll have haters whether you're on the camera or whether you're off the camera. If you and your husband have an understanding, you are blessed," said Porsha. "You'll be good to go."

The couple seems to have had a great understanding when they got married.
RELATED:  'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star to help with clothing drive at Tate Plaza

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Alexis Bellino Returns To "RHOC" As Full-Time Housewife

Wasn't expecting this news at all, but it's good news to me because I always thought Alexis shouldn't leave RHOC without getting some measure of revenge on Tamra and Gretchen first:
A reliable source has come exclusively to RumorFix to confirm that Alexis Bellino will be back this season in a much bigger way than originally thought.

Our sources say Jim Edmonds, a former Major League Baseball center fielder, and his wife, Allison, were supposed to start taping for the new season, but at the last minute they backed out.

Allison was going to be the new Housewife, according to an insider.

Because of this, Alexis will now be returning as a full-time Housewife. The reality star was shooting scenes last week, which led to speculation that she was taping exit scenes, but we now know it’s much more than that.

The source says some members of the cast are not happy that Alexis is coming back and do not want to film with her. Producers of The Real Housewives will not comment on casting decisions.

RELATED:  Alexis Bellino Begged Bravo For Her Job Back On Real Housewives!

Sonja Morgan Isn’t Worried About Dating: ‘I’m Focused on My Businesses’
On the fifth season of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New York City, Sonja Morgan gave fans a taste of her romantic history.

She went head-to-head with her ex-husband over their divorce settlement, but she kept herself fun and flirty for whoever crossed her path — whether she was in NYC or on a completely different island… like St. Barths, perhaps.

“I love being married, I love being single,” Morgan tells Celebuzz.

After three years of dating, the socialite and entrepreneur broke up with her artist boyfriend Brian Farrell last year. And she isn’t worrying about when her next beau will show up.

“Right now I’m focused on my businesses,” the 48-year-old, who filed bankruptcy in 2010 after a court found her liable for $7 million in a movie production deal gone sour, says. “Unless someone special comes along, I’m focused on being married to my house and my business.”

Morgan is working on building her two brands, Sonja in the City and Sonja Home, right now. And earlier this year, NBC’s 30 Rock gave her some free advertising when Liz Lemon exclaimed that she would definitely buy the toaster oven cookbook the housewife has been working on.

Tina Fey shouted me out on 30 Rock, it’s amazing,” she excitedly tells us.

But, just because she’s all about work right now doesn’t mean she knows exactly what she wants in the romance department.

“I want a man who’s smart, loves to brainstorm, and can keep up with me, because I go a mile a minute,” she describes.

“A sense of personal power is always good in a man,” the ambitious blond explains. “But, he doesn’t have to be a financier. Confidence is always sexy. I want someone who’s engaging, confident and sexy.”

And when asked to name the perfect man for her, Morgan knew exactly who would sweep her off her feet. “Tom Ford, because he is sexy, stylish, confident and creative,” she explains about the designer.

Bravo has yet to announce a Season 6 pickup for The Real Housewives of New York City. But, Morgan seems confident that she and the other women can deliver despite their on-screen differences.

“We’ve had a lot of good times and have enjoyed each other, even though you don’t always get to see that on TV,” she says. “It seems like it’ll be a hell of a Season 6.”
RELATED:  Single Sonja Morgan Wears a Wedding Gown-Style Dress: Hot or Not?

Brandi Glanville: I Don't Date, But "I Make Out With Everyone"

I just don't get what any man finds attractive in this woman, and I'm not just talking about her bitchy personality:
Girls just want to have fun!

At the The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 3 premiere party in Hollywood Oct. 21, Brandi Glanville, 39, opened up to Us Weekly about why viewers should expect to see plenty of "fun, good times -- and a little bit of crazy drunkenness" when the Bravo show returns with all-new episodes Monday, Nov. 5.
"It's all over the board," the ex-model explained. "It's a soap opera, but it's real, so it's amazing."

Cameras also followed the single mother of two as she dipped back into the dating pool. "I make out with everyone! It's awesome," laughed Glanville, who split with husband Eddie Cibrian after his 2009 affair with country music singer LeAnn Rimes.

For Glanville, finding a suitable partner hasn't been easy. "I don't really 'date.' What is that? I make out! It's hard to meet guys because they want to date you because you are on TV, or there are guys who like you but don't want anything to do with you because you are on TV," she explained. "It's a hard road."

Glanville's ongoing feud with the Richards sisters also seems to be at end end. "We are definitely in a better place than season 2, that's for sure!" costar Kyle Richards, 43, told Us. "It couldn't get any worse than that!"
Added Kim Richards, 48, "For me to stay in a better place to stay sober, it won't do me any good to stay angry or negative or carry any kind of ill feelings. It's better for me to work on that with Brandi." (The former child star completed her third stint in rehab in January.)  
RELATED: Real Housewives’ Brandi Glanville Records a Rap For NW Magazine — and It Will Blow Your Mind

Kim Zolciak to Judge: My Mother is an Unfit Grandparent
Kim Zolciak's two young daughters have sworn under oath ... they DO NOT want to be forced to spend time with their grandmother ... claiming she's nothing but a disrespectful old lady.

The kids are responding to a lawsuit filed by Kim's mom Karen Zolciak -- who wanted the court to FORCE Kim to let her spend time with her granddaughters.

In her docs, Karen had claimed Kim cut her off from the kids back in 2011 ... simply because she used an off-limits indoor bathroom instead of a porta-potty at Kim's televised wedding to NFL player Kroy Biermann.

Now, Kim's kids -- Ariana and Brielle Zolciak (ages 11 & 15) -- have submitted sworn affidavits to the court ... in which they beg the judge to shut Grandma down, explaining, "We both love our grandparents, but due to their actions at the wedding of [Kim and Kroy] ... we have grown apart."

The girls say they have no real desire to see their grandparents ... and insist they have too much going on in their lives to be forced to hang with Granny for overnight visitations.

In the docs, the girls also fire back at Grandma's claims that Kim pushes them into the spotlight -- saying, "We do not live a crazy or abnormal life. We are not forced to appear on television with our mother."

The girls -- and Kim -- are asking the judge to throw out Karen's case. Kim also wants her mom to pay for her legal costs.
RELATED: “Housewife” Kim Zolciak to host private lingerie event

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Adrienne Maloof Sells Home For Almost $20 Million, Says Divorce Is 'Very Difficult'
Adrienne Maloof put on a brave face Sunday night when she joined her fellow Real Housewives of Beverly Hills costars on the red carpet at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel for their show's season 3 premiere.

Her nasty divorce from Dr. Paul Nassif has kept the TV personality, 51, press shy recently, but at the event she opened up to PEOPLE about the emotional journey she finds herself taking.

"It's very difficult," she said. "I'm not made of stone. I'm a real person. It's always difficult when your life is played out in the public." 

Maloof and her ex have both accused the other of physical and verbal abuse, but the reality star still counts her blessings.

"There are many women in this world who have it much more stressful than I do," she says. "It's always a pleasure to be part of the Bravo team. It's difficult at times, but I'm here because it's my job. There are benefits and there are negatives."

In the end, Maloof – who has her own shoe and handbag line to look forward to – is thinking positive.

"I'm a very strong woman," she says. "I'll get through it."

The show premieres Nov. 5 at 9 p.m. on Bravo. 
RELATED: ‘Real Housewives’ Cast Member’s Home Sells for Almost $20 Million

Caroline Manzo and Teresa Guidice Won't Support Young Boy with Cancer Without Getting Appearance Fee?!?
Talk about cold-hearted! “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” cast members Teresa Guidice and Caroline Manzo won't support a 6-year-old boy with cancer — who likely has just months to live — without their hefty appearance fee.

This Friday, Prudential Realty’s Lyndhurst and Rutherford offices are hosting a Halloween party that will raise funds for Christopher DiMartino, a New Jersey tyke who’s suffered from cancer since the age of 3 and will lose the battle soon if he doesn’t receive money for chemotherapy. Salvatore Scirica, the real estate salesman hosting the dinner, thought to bring in “The Real Housewives” stars to attract more donors.

After all, the DiMartinos had relied on Manzo’s family before: In 2009, they held a fundraiser at the Brownstone, the restaurant co-owned by Caroline’s husband, Albert, and featured on the Bravo show.

Scirica asked Metropolis Nights editor Chaunce Hayden to reach out to Manzo and Guidice. Both requests were ignored by the reality stars. “It was crickets,” Hayden told Confidenti@l. When he asked a mutual friend for an explanation, Hayden got the hard truth. “They don’t do anything anymore unless they are getting paid,” the mutual friend told Hayden. “End of story.”

But providing “The Real Housewives” stars with their fees is out of the question.

“We’re not gonna pay them. We’re gonna give the DiMartino family the money,” Scirica told Confidenti@l. “They lost the house over this, and insurance won’t carry the chemo.”

“They’re from New Jersey; they’re 10 minutes away from the restaurant!” Scirica added. “Sometimes, the fame goes to their [Manzo and Giudice’s] heads.”

A source told Confidenti@l that appearance fees for “The Real Housewives” cast members can be anywhere from $3,000 to $30,000.

The venue, Euro Lounge Cafe, is providing the space and catering for just part of the revenue, and Ciroc (which Sean (Diddy) Combs has stake in) has agreed to provide the vodka. Tickets can be purchased by calling  (201) 494-0679 .

A spokesperson for Manzo said, “She has never been contacted by these people.” A rep for Guidice did not respond to a request for comment.
RELATED: 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' 'lost footage' recap: All over but the shoutin'

Real Housewives of Atlanta Trailer: Newcomer Kenya Moore Feuds With Phaedra Parks
Sheree Whitfield exited the Real Housewives of Atlanta at the end of season 4, and when season 5 kicks off November 4, there will be double the drama thanks to her replacements Kenya Moore and Porsha Stewart.

While RHOA's veterans are up to their old tricks -- Phaedra Parks is designing her own stun gun and doing pet funerals, and NeNe Leakes is acting in Hollywood -- it's the new wives who really make waves.

As this season 5 superteaser trailer shows, Moore and Stewart aren't exactly meshing well with the women -- or each other.

"Kenya Moore is a diva!" one insider tells Us Weekly of the Detroit native, 38, who was crowned Miss USA in 1993. "Kenya is in the middle of every fight and stirs up a lot of s--t."

During one such fight, Moore gets into it with Parks, who alleges the film and TV producer is "bi-polar . . . and drinks too much!" Not to be outdone, Atlanta-raised socialite Stewart starts her own feud with Leakes.

Watch the explosive superteaser trailer above for more from the women -- including Kim Zolciak, Kandi Burruss and Cynthia Bailey -- before The Real Housewives of Atlanta premieres November 4 on Bravo.
RELATED: Kenya Moore Opens Up About Her Heartbreaking Past and Difficult Relationship With Her Mother: “I Can Honestly Say I Don’t Love Her”

Sheree Whitfield Wins $75K In Child Support Agreement
Former NFL star Bob Whitfield has 21 days to fork over $75,000 to his reality star ex-wife Sheree Whitfield for overdue child support ... or else.

According to legal docs obtained by TMZ ... Bob admits he failed to make 38 monthly child support payments of $2,142 to the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star ... more than $81k.

Bob claimed he simply didn't have the money -- and had asked the court to lower his obligation ... but that was denied.

Now, the two sides have struck a deal in which Bob has agreed to hand over $75k before Nov. 11 ... or face the consequences in court.

In addition to the $75k, Bob has also agreed to pay $1,000 per month for the next 12 months -- before reverting back to the original $2,142.

Fun Fact -- Back in 2000, Whitfield signed a 6-year contract with the Atlanta Falcons in the neighborhood of $30 million.
RELATED: Which Real Housewives of Atlanta Cast Member Isn’t Sad About Sheree Whitfield’s Departure?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Teresa Giudice: Fighting With Me Makes Melissa Gorga Relevant
Although the season is over for Real Housewives of New Jersey, it doesn’t mean the fighting is over.
In an exclusive interview with Real Mr. Housewife for RumorFix, Teresa says her sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga, keeps bashing Teresa to “keep her relevant.”

In Melissa’s most recent blog, she said Teresa is doing appearances with Kim DePaola, who puts on the Posche Fashion Show, to return the favor of helping set Melissa up with rumors that she was a stripper.

“I guess Melissa has nothing else to talk about but me,” Teresa tells us. “I keep her relevant. I keep her going. That’s funny to me. It’s a joke. I’m doing appearances with Kim? Yeah, okay. I don’t even want to answer that because it’s not even worth my time.”

Finally, in hopes to put the rumors to rest, Teresa reiterates that she knew “something was going to happen” at the Posche Fashion Show, because something always happens. But in retrospect she admits, “I shouldn’t have opened my mouth.”

But, she wants to make it clear she had nothing to do with the set up.

Although Melissa thinks otherwise, when Teresa’s brother-in-law came to her to say, “You did a good job,” he was saying he was proud of Teresa’s business successes. “He’s proud of everything I’ve accomplished with Fabbelini,” Teresa tells us.  “Every time he sees me, He says, ‘I’m proud of you my sister-in-law.’

Meanwhile Melissa thinks life revolves around her — like he was saying that because of her. It had nothing to do with Melissa. [It would be] stupid for my brother-in-law to even say that on national TV. I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t even know my brother-in-law was going to be there. I’m so sick and tired of talking about this. I’m done. I didn’t set her up. If that’s what she wants to believe God bless her. I hope she lives a happy life. She [Melissa] already said she’s done with me. She better remember those words. She should think before she talks.”

RELATED: Teresa Giudice Trashes Jacqueline Laurita, Says Caroline Manzo Told Her Jacqueline Was a Stripper and Unfit Mom

Carole Radziwill Lands $700,000 Book Deal
“Real Housewife” Carole Radziwill has landed a six-figure deal to publish her first novel, “The Widow’s Guide to Sex & Dating.” 

We’re told that following a bidding war, Radziwill signed a two-book deal with Henry Holt & Co. worth $700,000. The second book will be a collection of essays and is tentatively titled “Girl’s Guide to Life.” 

On her site, Radziwill describes her novel as being about “death, sex and love, in that order.” 

The award-winning journalist was married to ABC News producer Anthony Radziwill, who died in 1999 following a battle with cancer. 

She’s recently been dating Russ Irwin, a touring member of Aerosmith. Radziwill confirmed to us she’d signed with a major publisher but declined to say which one. 
RELATED: Carole Radziwill: My "Real Life Friends" Tried to Stop Me From Doing RHONY

"Girls Gone Wild" Founder Joe Francis Boasts Of Sleeping With Sisters Marta And Joanna Krupa
The man behind Girls Gone Wild sends one girl absolutely crazy when he appears on an upcoming episode of The Real Housewives of Miami. has a sneak peek of the new episode and the moment Joe Francis boasts about sleeping with model Joanna Krupa AND her sister Marta.

The entrepreneur drops the bombshell allegation at a lingerie party. The 39-year-old chats to some cast members when Joanna’s name crops up.

Francis says: “How funny is it? I put Joanna on television for the first time… [When] she moved from Chicago with her sister Marta...I met her through a mutual friend like her first week in LA.”

That’s when he claims to have romanced the 33-year-old model and her younger sister.

“Actually I dated both sisters too – Marta and Joanna,” he says. When asked if he slept with them Francis says: “Yes…Go ask Marta. It’s true.”

Housewife and dentist Dr. Karent Sierra decides to confront Joanna about the rumor and, taking Francis by the hand, gets them to discuss it face-to-face.

But Joanna is not pleased, as in another clip she is seen shouting at the controversial Girls Gone Wild founder, saying: “You’re a f***ing sicko.”

A defiant Francis goes even further by saying: “And you gave me a [bleep] in a movie theater Joanna!”
When the blonde talks to her sister about the rumor she gets another shock.

“Joe Francis is telling people we both slept with him,” Joanna tells Marta. “How embarrassing.”

But when Marta starts giggling and hiding her face Joanna says: “You slept with him?” Her sister says: “I don’t want to talk about it.”

As we previously reported, Joanna berated Teresa Giudice in an exclusive interview with Speaking of the Real Housewives of New Jersey star who is embroiled in a bitter feud with her brother and her sister-in-law, she said: “There’s no reason to disrespect your family. I can’t even imagine doing that.”
RELATED:  A bit revealing for date night! Real Housewife Joanna Krupa wears ENTIRELY see-through top for dinner with her fiancĂ©